Everyone knows spamming is bad. It’s bad because unnecessary letters, viruses, Trojans, etc. are sent to email addresses. To protect a simple user from all this, databases containing the IP addresses of malicious spammers are created. Various anti-spam email filters use these databases to separate spam from really necessary and expected mail.
If your email is blacklisted, the server may start returning letters with blocking notifications. For example, someone sends spam in huge quantities from a specific IP address. This IP is very likely to fall into one or more databases. Then, receiving the letter, the system checks the sender’s IP address and checks it in the databases. If such IP is present in at least one of them, the message is marked as spam and is either not accepted at all, either moved to spam blacklist checker or deleted. As a result, this letter doesn’t reach the recipient.
How to Avoid Blacklisting
Imagine you received an IP address that is in one or more databases. What does it mean? This means your letters may be regarded as spam by mail services and won’t be delivered to the recipient. Why do you have such an IP address?
What you should never do:
- Don’t buy email address databases
Subscribers must agree to receive newsletters from you. If you have transferred the base collected on the website or landing page of another company — even if it also belongs to you — you must confirm your consent to receive newsletters from subscribers again.
- Don’t use user-generated content in emails
At least without prior moderation. This is a very dangerous security breach: a virus or malicious code can get into the message. And it, first of all, will harm you.
- Don’t exclusively do a promotional mailing
If the recipient receives another offer to install the application or get a profitable loan, most likely the user will not even remember that he/she once subscribed to interesting offers sending a letter to spam, thus ruining your reputation.
What should be done very carefully:
- Reanimate an old base
The address on the corporate domain can change the owner; the address on the shared domain may already be inactive. And the recipients can simply forget about you. Therefore, the reanimation of the subscription database is always a big risk to ruin the reputation of your domain. Do it carefully and little by little, in combination with regular mailings to verified addresses.
- Send special mailing lists
Such topics now include online training (information business, etc.). A stream of letters with invitations to seminars, webinars, online conferences, as well as dubious offers of earnings on the network hits the users. If you haven’t let your subscribers know about you for a long time, then receiving such a letter from you, they may not remember they have once subscribed to your newsletter and the letter will be sent to spam. Therefore, make sure subscribers want to receive such invitations from you.