Download LiMON UAV 4 full version program free setup for Windows. It is a powerful and efficient tool for fast and convenient point cloud classification, point cloud editing, and the creation of derived products, especially from UAV surveys.

LiMON UAV Overview

LiMON UAV, which stands for “Light Modular Open Network Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,” is a cutting-edge and versatile drone technology that has gained significant attention in recent years. This innovative unmanned aerial vehicle system is characterized by its adaptability, modular design, and open architecture, making it a valuable tool for various applications, ranging from surveillance and reconnaissance to environmental monitoring and disaster response. One of the standout features of the LiMON UAV is its modular design. This design philosophy allows users to easily customize and configure the drone to meet their specific needs. Whether it’s attaching different sensors, cameras, or payloads, the open architecture of the LiMON UAV ensures that it can be adapted for various tasks, providing a cost-effective solution for a wide range of industries. Furthermore, the LiMON UAV is designed for ease of use and rapid deployment. It can be quickly assembled and launched, making it ideal for time-sensitive missions. Its lightweight and portable nature ensures that it can be transported to remote or challenging locations, where it can effectively gather critical data or perform tasks that were once labor-intensive or hazardous. You may also like AllMapSoft Universal Maps Downloader 10.152

LiMON UAV 4 Free Download

LiMON UAVs often feature advanced connectivity and communication capabilities, ensuring that users can remotely control the drone and receive real-time data. This is particularly valuable for applications such as search and rescue, environmental monitoring, or aerial photography, where immediate feedback and decision-making are essential. The LiMON UAV technology has also made significant contributions to the development of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the integration of unmanned aerial systems into a broader network of interconnected devices. This facilitates the seamless exchange of information and data, enhancing the capabilities of the drone and its applications in smart cities, precision agriculture, and more. In conclusion, the LiMON UAV is a testament to the rapid advancement of drone technology and its wide-ranging potential. Its modular, open architecture, portability, and adaptability to various payloads and sensors make it a valuable asset in industries such as agriculture, environmental monitoring, emergency response, and defense. As technology continues to evolve, the LiMON UAV represents an exciting direction in the field of unmanned aerial vehicles, offering a versatile platform for innovation and problem-solving.


  • 1. Modular Design: The LiMON UAV is built with a modular design, allowing for customization and flexibility in payload attachment and configurations.
  • 2. Payload Compatibility: It supports a wide range of payloads, including various cameras, sensors, and equipment.
  • 3. Open Architecture: The open architecture of the system encourages third-party developers to create new accessories and applications.
  • 4. Rapid Deployment: The drone can be assembled and deployed quickly, making it suitable for time-sensitive missions.
  • 5. Lightweight and Portable: Its lightweight construction and portability make it easy to transport to remote or challenging locations.
  • 6. Real-time Data Streaming: The drone offers real-time data streaming, allowing users to monitor and analyze data as it’s collected.
  • 7. Remote Control: Users can control the drone remotely, adjusting its flight path, capturing data, and more.
  • 8. Multi-Sensor Integration: It supports integration with various sensors, including LiDAR, thermal imaging, multispectral cameras, and more.
  • 9. Custom Payload Integration: Users can design and integrate custom payloads for specialized tasks.
  • 10. Swappable Batteries: LiMON UAVs often feature swappable batteries for extended flight times.
  • 11. GPS and Navigation Systems: Precise GPS and navigation systems enable accurate flight planning and execution.
  • 12. Autonomous Flight: It can perform autonomous flights with preset waypoints, flight paths, and mission plans.
  • 13. Wireless Connectivity: Supports wireless data transmission and communication for real-time updates.
  • 14. App Ecosystem: An ecosystem of apps allows users to add and customize features and functionality.
  • 15. Obstacle Avoidance: Some models may feature obstacle avoidance sensors to prevent collisions.
  • 16. RTK GPS: High-precision RTK (Real-Time Kinematic) GPS for precise mapping and surveying.
  • 17. Mobile App Control: Control the drone using a mobile app for convenience and flexibility.
  • 18. High-definition Imaging: High-quality cameras for capturing images and videos in various conditions.
  • 19. Data Storage: Onboard data storage to save mission data and logs.
  • 20. Thermal Imaging: Supports thermal imaging cameras for applications like search and rescue and building inspections.
  • 21. LiDAR Scanning: Integration with LiDAR technology for 3D mapping and surveying.
  • 22. Precision Agriculture: Used for crop monitoring, pest control, and yield prediction in agriculture.
  • 23. Environmental Monitoring: Valuable for environmental research, monitoring, and wildlife studies.
  • 24. Surveying and Mapping: Ideal for land surveying, topography, and construction site mapping.
  • 25. Search and Rescue: Its versatility makes it valuable for search and rescue operations, locating missing persons, and assessing disaster-stricken areas.
  • 26. Smart Cities: Contributes to smart city development, including traffic management and surveillance.
  • 27. Infrastructure Inspection: Used for inspecting bridges, power lines, pipelines, and other critical infrastructure.
  • 28. Emergency Response: Aids emergency services in assessing situations and planning responses.
  • 29. Military and Defense: Used for surveillance, reconnaissance, and battlefield awareness.
  • 30. Forestry Management: Assists in monitoring forest health, detecting fires, and planning interventions.
  • 31. Wildlife Conservation: Supports wildlife monitoring, tracking, and anti-poaching efforts.
  • 32. Weather Research: Collects meteorological data and assists in weather research and forecasting.
  • 33. Noise and Pollution Monitoring: Used for monitoring noise levels and air quality in urban areas.
  • 34. Data Analysis Tools: Offers data processing and analysis tools for actionable insights.
  • 35. IoT Integration: Part of IoT systems, facilitating data exchange within a network of connected devices.
  • 36. Long Flight Times: Extended flight durations for covering larger areas or conducting long missions.
  • 37. Environmental Friendliness: Many LiMON UAVs are electric, contributing to reduced environmental impact.
  • 38. FAA Compliance: Adherence to FAA (or relevant regulatory agency) regulations for safe and legal operation.
  • 39. User Support and Training: Typically, manufacturers offer user training and support services.
  • 40. Scalability: The modular design and open architecture support scalability and system expansion.

Technical Details

  • Software Name: LiMON UAV for Windows
  • Software File Name: LiMON-UAV-4.0.1553.rar
  • Software Version: 4.0.1553
  • File Size: 148 MB
  • Developers: limon
  • File Password: 123
  • Language: Multilingual
  • Working Mode: Offline (You donÆt need an internet connection to use it after installing)

System Requirements

  • Operating System: Win 7, 8, 10, 11
  • Free Hard Disk Space:
  • Installed Memory: 1 GB
  • Processor: Intel Dual Core processor or later
  • Minimum Screen Resolution: 800 x 600

What is the latest version of LiMON UAV?

The developers consistently update the project. You can view the most recent software update on their official website.

Is it worth it to install and use Software LiMON UAV?

Whether an app is worth using or not depends on several factors, such as its functionality, features, ease of use, reliability, and value for money.

To determine if an app is worth using, you should consider the following:

  1. Functionality and features: Does the app provide the features and functionality you need? Does it offer any additional features that you would find useful?
  2. Ease of use: Is the app user-friendly and easy to navigate? Can you easily find the features you need without getting lost in the interface?
  3. Reliability and performance: Does the app work reliably and consistently? Does it crash or freeze frequently? Does it run smoothly and efficiently?
  4. Reviews and ratings: Check out reviews and ratings from other users to see what their experiences have been like with the app.

Based on these factors, you can decide if an app is worth using or not. If the app meets your needs, is user-friendly, works reliably, and offers good value for money and time, then it may be worth using.

Is LiMON UAV Safe?

LiMON UAV is widely used on Windows operating systems. In terms of safety, it is generally considered to be a safe and reliable software program. However, it’s important to download it from a reputable source, such as the official website or a trusted download site, to ensure that you are getting a genuine version of the software. There have been instances where attackers have used fake or modified versions of software to distribute malware, so it’s essential to be vigilant and cautious when downloading and installing the software. Overall, this software can be considered a safe and useful tool as long as it is used responsibly and obtained from a reputable source.

How to install software from the WinRAR file?

To install an application that is in a WinRAR archive, follow these steps:

  1. Extract the contents of the WinRAR archive to a folder on your computer. To do this, right-click on the archive and select ”Extract Here” or ”Extract to [folder name]”.”
  2. Once the contents have been extracted, navigate to the folder where the files were extracted.
  3. Look for an executable file with a .exeextension. This file is typically the installer for the application.
  4. Double-click on the executable file to start the installation process. Follow the prompts to complete the installation.
  5. After the installation is complete, you can launch the application from the Start menu or by double-clicking on the desktop shortcut, if one was created during the installation.

If you encounter any issues during the installation process, such as missing files or compatibility issues, refer to the documentation or support resources for the application for assistance.

Can x86 run on x64?

Yes, x86 programs can run on an x64 system. Most modern x64 systems come with a feature called Windows-on-Windows 64-bit (WoW64), which allows 32-bit (x86) applications to run on 64-bit (x64) versions of Windows.
When you run an x86 program on an x64 system, WoW64 translates the program’s instructions into the appropriate format for the x64 system. This allows the x86 program to run without any issues on the x64 system.
However, it’s important to note that running x86 programs on an x64 system may not be as efficient as running native x64 programs. This is because WoW64 needs to do additional work to translate the program’s instructions, which can result in slower performance. Additionally, some x86 programs may not work properly on an x64 system due to compatibility issues.

What is the verdict?

This app is well-designed and easy to use, with a range of useful features. It performs well and is compatible with most devices. However, may be some room for improvement in terms of security and privacy. Overall, it’s a good choice for those looking for a reliable and functional app.

Download LiMON UAV 4 Latest Version Free

Click on the button given below to download LiMON UAV free setup. It is a complete offline setup for Windows and has excellent compatibility with x86 and x64 architectures.

File Password: 123