What We Know So Far About Windows 12

It may be a hard fact to ingest but the truth is that Windows 11 is more than two years old now. Yes, the updates have been amazing as both version 22H2 and version 23H2 were big hits among the masses, boldly validating the fact that Microsoft did make significant changes in the OS over the years and weren’t simply sitting ducks. Nevertheless, despite the rampant success, recent rumors estimate that Microsoft is presently working on a newer version of Windows that will be released at the latter end of 2024.

According to our estimation, the Windows 12 will be a significant leap forward for Microsoft as it would be its first new product where software and hardware technologies are heavily relying upon machine learning and AI technologies, and at the same time providing AI-powered features and functionalities like hotcakes. So, get ready for some exciting new features that will simply blow you away!

But before moving to these amazing features, it is worth mentioning that to get the best out of the Windows 12 experience, a fast and reliable internet connection will go a long way to serve all your computing needs.

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What Do We Know About These Cool New Features?
Nothing! We are sure that this is going to be a significant leap forward for Windows that will also increase the minimum system requirements but these features can be broadly categorized as:

New AI Features

As already mentioned Microsoft is incorporating more AI features into Windows 12, according to recent reports one of these features is a thorough analysis of on-screen content with a wide array of actions that you can implement around that content.
Along the same lines, Windows 12 will be able to recognize and extract objects in an image at will. Additionally, a great number of more AI features can be expected in the upcoming Windows applications.

More Modular Approach

If you are wondering whether Windows 12 will work on your system? The answer is yes. Microsoft is moving toward a more modular approach through the introduction of CorePC, which will allow customizable experiences for systems with different capabilities.

A New Desktop UI

We did get to glimpse at Window 12’s prototype this year in the Microsoft Ignite keynote hosted by CEO Satya Nadella. That showcased many incredible features like the floating taskbar, system icons, battery indicator, and weather widget with a new layout taking the new Windows OS visually closer to macOS and Linux varieties.
However, there is a long time for the release so one can expect incremental changes in UI design when the new OS is finally released.

What Do We Want from This New Update?

  • Generational Leap in the Outdated Widgets Application
  • A Customizable Start Menu
  • A Quick App Uninstallation Option

Wrapping Up: Will There Be a Free Upgrade?
The most important question on everyone’s mind is whether Microsoft will provide a free upgrade for Windows 12. Yes, there is no question about it as Microsoft has created this trend that their existing users can use the updates and new releases for free. So, we don’t believe that anything is going to change here.