PC OptiClean is a PC maintenance tool to repair damaged files and provide an optimized environment. This free download is a standalone installation for OptiClean for Windows 32bit and 64bit.
PC OptiClean Overview
If your computer is not working perfectly or slowing down without any virus effect then system settings, junk, and damaged DLL registry files may be the cause of this problem. You must try PC OptiClean to optimize the performance of the system. It uses Patent Pending Technology to repair the registration entries and clean the unwanted files effectively. In case you want to schedule a scan for regular PC maintenance then this tool has a perfect scheduler for automatic scan and fix. It can also fix executable errors so to improve the performance. Moreover, it can fix bloatware and stop the programs which load at the start to power up the boot process and start the Windows in less time. On every uninstall, every software leaves some cache or other files in the PC. You can remove junk files from failed uninstalls as well as the bloated system registry files.
It provides an easy to use environment with different types of scanning. Privacy scanning feature allows fixing the areas from where your privacy can be compromised including chat logs, conversations and more. On every scan, you are provided an option to remove or fix the selected files. It also gives settings recommendations to consume all the resources provided by your machine. Some of the times your PC may slow down due to low disk space, OptiClean can do complete disk analysis and provide the complete information about the hard drive. Firewall review enhances the security level of the computer along with many other options.
Features of PC OptiClean
PC OptiClean is loaded with a wide range of features and options which include
- Easy to use
- Lightweight tool
- One-click optimization
- Repair damaged DLL and registration entries
- Remove junkware and bloatware
- Patent Pending Technology
- Auto Scan and Fix with scheduler
- Privacy scanning
- Hard disk analysis
- Firewall analysis and much more
System Requirement for PC OptiClean
Before you download and install PC OptiClean, make sure that your system meets the given requirements
- Operating System: Windows XP/Vista or Windows 7/8/8.1/10
- Free Disk Space: Minimum 10MB of free disk space required
- Installed Memory (RAM): Minimum 1GB of RAM required
- Processor: Intel Pentium 4 or later
PC OptiClean Free Download
Click the below link to download and install the standalone installer for Windows x86 and x64 architecture. It is also compatible with latest Windows versions.